Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Specific Need--Can you help?

Hello and Happy NEW YEAR from Haiti!!! 

One of the things that is the most challenging for me while I've been doing mission work know it's coming....asking for support. Not just general support and prayer support, but financial support. I know, and I've often thought this of others in the past who are doing this 'work' "you got yourself into this situation how do you expect others to continually support you financially-figure it out yourself" I'll sadly admit that was me at one point. So don't feel bad if that thought has crossed your mind as well--I get it!

Today I'm asking if you would consider a financial donation--but for a specific cause. As this journey is continuing on longer than I anticipated, which I am blessed and humbled by, I'm in need of your help. Yes I need monthly supporters, but I pray that God will bring those along at just the right time. As I continue on here in Haiti I have a desire to really know the language. I have a pretty good understanding of it right now, but I mean I want to really know and be able to have those deep heartfelt conversations with people. I want to not only be the Hands and Feet of Jesus but I want to be able to speak it and speak it well! Loud and proud!

In order for me to be able to do that I need to take a Creole language class. This class would be held 3x a week. Because of my schedule I can't join another class so I need to pay for private lessons. I would love to be able to make this work! In order for me to take the class I need to raise $798.00. Would you consider donating to help me learn Creole fluently so I can continue to not only be the Hands and Feet but PROCLAIM the love of Jesus here in Haiti!

If you would be willing to contribute to this cause I would great appreciate it!
Here a few ways you can donate:

1). Go to  and scroll to the bottom to make a donation.

2). A direct donation using paypal. Click on "Send Money" and type in my email address: ""

Thank you for your continued prayers and support and walking along side me on this journey!

Be Blessed!! 

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Unfailing love...

Your love, Lord, reaches to the heavens,
    your faithfulness to the skies.
Your righteousness is like the highest mountains,
    your justice like the great deep.
    You, Lord, preserve both people and animals.
How priceless is your unfailing love, O God!
    People take refuge in the shadow of your wings.

Psalm 36:5-7

Unfailing love...

What does unfailing love even mean? I don't think that my human mind can even understand that concept. But that's what God gives us everyday-no matter what. God is unfailing love. 

Tonight I went on a hike up the 
mountain behind Grace Village with one other missionary--it is after all January 1st so the resolutions start off strong ;)

As we walked up the mountain we took a moment to stop and look at the beauty around us. As we looked out we had mountains surrounding us, except for right in front of us was the big blue ocean. The vastness of ocean with the sun slowly starting to set was a beautiful site. It was another one of those things I couldn't get my mind around.

I could have sat and looked at it for hours in just pure wonder and amazement.

As we ventured up the mountain there were parts where we could see what the next turn would bring, but on others we had no idea what would be around the bend. Thats how life is. At times we can see what is right ahead of us and where we are going, but at 
other times we have no idea where life is going to lead. But when we get to the bend we can see a little further ahead once again. It always seemed that just around the next bend would be the tippy top of the mountain and we would be able to see the valley on the other side and the vast beauty. With each bend we turned only to see another bend winding up the mountain was discouraging and thats life. Just when we think we've made it through one difficult time, another one comes right back at you and then another one. But when you've reach the top of the mountain and you can see the beauty that God brought you to, even despite all the pain--it's always worth it!  

God's love is unfailing, even when were trudging up the mountain with no end insight; He is there. We need to lean on Him to help us the mountains and get around the bends. I can tell you that even as we walked up that mountain and it was one bend after another--we were surrounded by God's love and beauty on every side of us! He was there He was with us, we just had to take the time to stop and see it. 

I pray that as you start 2014 you take time to stop and see the beauty around you. That when your in a time of trouble and heartache lean on God. His love is unfailing and it is surrounding you!! His love is unfailing!