Tuesday, May 14, 2013

maybe I'm not cut out to be a mom quit yet....

Maybe I’m not cut out to be a mom quit yet…Let me explain….

Here I am sitting in the missionary house just little ol’ me enjoying the evening to myself--this rarely happens!! The rain is lightly coming down and I’m listening to some music and writing a very important email to try to get some chiropractors to come down to Haiti to do some adjustments, when all of a sudden I heard a loud pop! It sounded like it was right outside the house. Immediately I think gun shot but then second guess myself and think really could it be that..? Then I think again, totally psyching myself out, I’m in Haiti why couldn’t it be!!

I scurry into the bathroom and realize that the window was open…I think to myself oh no they will be able to see me and hear me. I stand there for several minutes in a panic and call Josue, but not wanting to talk too loud. In a trembling voice I tell him I just heard a loud pop I don’t know what it was. He asked me if it was a gun shot. I say yes, well I don’t know, I don’t really know what a gun shot sounds like. He told me to hold on and he would call some people up here at Grace Village. I was thankful because I didn’t want to talk in fear that someone would hear me. 

I said a quick prayer when I got off the phone with him and was continuing to freak out and play ever horrible scenario through in my head. I would occasionally peak out the window and see if anyone was there or if I could hear them walking in the rocks….nothing. Ugh! What was going on!!

I called Rubinson who was staying up here and I told him he need to come over to the house because I heard something and was scared. He said really right now? Well YES RIGHT NOW!!! I told him. So I head into the hallway knowing that he were coming soon. I heard what I thought was some one rattling our front gate. I call him back and ask him are you at our front door? He says ‘no’….UGH!! Really well than what the heck is that noise!!?! I stand there frozen in fear and then I hear him and Jores calling through the window. Thank Heavens!!!

Are you ready for this.....

As I start walking down the hall I see a flicker of light out of the corner of my eye in the kitchen…you see several hours before this little scenario played out I put 6 eggs on the stove to hard boil them (trying to be healthy and get my protein in) ;) and apparently my mind went else where and forgot all about them!

I go to the door and I tell them….oh my goodness I was so scared I heard a loud pop and didn’t know what it was but as I was walking to the door I realized I had left 6 eggs cooking on the stove for a looooong time!! But now there are only 5 eggs in the pot---and no more water---because that 6th egg had exploded and gone all over the kitchen and apparently made a very loud POP sound!!!


My poor children….1st of all their mother has a horrible memory, 2nd off all she apparently can’t cook, 3rd she is a scaredy cat!!! J I have a feeling I’m going to need a lot of family and friends supporting me on this journey!! Hehe!!


ok...I'm going to try to relax now....I would add a photo of the eggs but that would mean I would have to walk back out to the kitchen to do that and I think I'd rather stay here in my bed and not venture out there...maybe in the morning! ;) 

Sunday, May 12, 2013

another YEAR....

Preparing for another year…
You’ve guessed it….

For many of you this may be no surprise knowing my heart and passion for Haiti but I’m also sure for many of you you are thinking how crazy I am to be staying another year for many reasons! Rightfully so that many of you may have those feelings—to be honest at one point I did too. I’ve just come to the conclusion that my life is nothing what “I” planned it to be and nothing like I expected, but nonetheless here I am enjoying every minute of it—the good and the bad and the ups and the downs and through it all I’m learning and more importantly learning what it means to fully trust in God for my every need.

To go along with my crazy living I had to do some crazy things back in Minnesota. When I asked to extend my leave of absence at my job for another year I unfortunately (well in my eyes I initially thought it was unfortunate but God has different plans) was not able to extend my leave of absence. So when I first heard this news my initial response was ‘ok I’ll go back to the states and work for awhile seeing how things go.’ But my heart just wasn’t settled about this. So I continued to pray that some how my request would be granted. I loved my position when I left my job and what I was doing. I knew when I first took my leave that when I returned I wouldn’t necessarily get my same position back. At the time I was ok with that. But when I heard what my new position entailed I felt like it was God closing a door and steering me along His path. So after hearing this I took some time to pray. I think I always knew what I had to do in my heart but was scared to say it to others—for the fear that they would think that I am even crazier than they originally thought—and I had the fear of how in the world am I going to support myself, not to mention pay for this adoption, not to mention provide for kids. But I knew. I knew I had to quit my job and follow my heart and follow where I felt God was leading me.

So..... I did it. I sent the email saying that I quit my job.
So.... here I am in HAITI for another year…or how ever long God calls me here.
So.... please prayerfully consider supporting me on this crazy journey I call life. I would be so appreciative if you could support me monthly or even just $5…ever little bit helps!

Where God leads me I will follow and He will continue to provide for my every need. I am beyond thankful for my supportive family and friends—even though they too may think I’m crazy... I keep life interesting for them. ;) 

“But God doesn't call us to be comfortable. He calls us to trust Him so completely that we are unafraid to put ourselves in situations where we will be in trouble if He doesn't come through.” 
 Francis Chan, Crazy Love: Overwhelmed by a Relentless God

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Joy filled Heart--sharing Haiti with my Sister!!

My heart is filled with JOY at the fact that last week I was able to share HAITI with MY SISTER!! Words cannot describe how amazing it was to watch her experience Haiti for the first time! It brought me right back to my first trip with all the emotions and questions of WHY?!?

To see her love on the kids of Cite Soliel, hold the sick and dying babies, rub lotion on those with Tuberculosis, paint the nails of the sick and frail elderly, kiss the faces of poor, love on our elderly in Titanyen, hold baby Katie and bless her with diapers and cute new clothes, carry the water buckets to the tin shanties called 'homes' and just to see her be the hands and feet of Jesus fills my heart with JOY!

My heart continues to break as I was reminded of life outside the walls of Grace Village and all those in such horrible situations. I was blessed to be able to serve again in this way and best of all to share that with my sister. 

Check out our pictures from the week and all the love and joy we were able to share together!! 
Truly blessed to be able to share this part of my life with my sister. 

I would also like to say thank you to all of her friends who supported her on this trip with donations and who blessed me with all kinds of goodies and snacks! Thank you for blessing me and loving me!!