I feel like the path is becoming more and more complicated. I have constantly been trying to plan and figure out what my future looks like. I feel like I'm in a maze and can't find the right direction. I've hit dead end after dead end. I have all these different scenerios running through my head, but then I have the what if's or how will this work or can I afford that. I've been an emotional roller-coaster as I'VE tried to figured out my path. I've been so busy trying to put the pieces together that I've lost sight of the fact that HE is always with me holding me by the hand. HE will guide me with HIS counsel.
So this fog that is laying before me is a good thing. He's protecting me. He's reminding me to live in the present. I need to communicate with HIM here and now. Yes someday this fog will lift and I will see the path so clearly but for now HE's reminding me I need to focus on HIM and the path right before me. So today I'm not worrying about where I will live, guardianship, the adoption, finances, completing paperwork, relationships, or the future.
Today I'm turning my focus over to HIM and resting in HIM and seeking HIM for the way out of this maze!
Something else I read today...
Let go and let God
A lot of times we allow life and its stressors to take us to points in which we just shut down, lose hope, and lose faith, instead of allowing ourselves to continue in the pace, and in the direction that God wants to take us.
The reality in each situation that we face is that God's wisdom is always there for us to feed on, even in times we feel alone, lost, and misguided. When you just allow yourself to let go of the wheel, and trust that God is going to take control of the spiritual vehicle you are driving, then supernatural things will start to happen in your life.
Many don't realize the power of making the decision of whether to truly believe, and to not worry, not fret, and live a life full of God's guidance instead of their own. Be committed to the belief that God will take care of situations that you simply can't, be consistent with this belief, and God will consistently work inside of you.
Letting go and letting God.....