Monday, July 7, 2014

A new beginning to an exciting journey...

                         Anchored in Hope....

About a year ago I was given a small anchor pendant to put on my necklace from my dear friend Karla. Unfortunately it didn't fit on my necklace and I wasn't able to wear it. At the time I didn't give much thought to what the anchor really meant to me, but loved the pendant. 

Awhile back my friend Katie gave me a suggestion to have an anchor made out of metal art. She told me that anchors were starting to become popular but also reminded me of the verse in Hebrew 6:19 "We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure." After I had them made I had several people ask what the meaning of the anchor was. To be honest it was hard for me to explain. 

But in the last couple months God has continually put "Anchored in Hope" on my heart. It was one of those thoughts that came to me but I quickly brushed it off because I didn't feel equipped or qualified (and trust me I still don't!!) But God continued to impress it on my heart. 

So with that I stepped out in faith and God showed up. God had given me a desire to create a small business to sell the Hand-Made Haitian Metal (and hopefully other Haitian made items in the future).  I struggled with God and continual said, "But God I don't know anything about business or setting up an LLC." So God gently reminded me I don't have to have all the answers I need to have faith and trust that He will provide and if this is truly God's desire for my life, HE will provide. 
And of course GOD DID PROVIDE.  God continued to put people in my path. Through a friend he connected me with a lawyer who offered to create a LLC for me for free and has continued to be a great resource. He has put amazing woman in my life at Art 2 Heart who continue to support and guide me. He connected me with an amazing woman at Single Stone Studios who offered to create a logo for me for free and designs some of the pieces of artwork. He has given me amazing friends, family and acquaintances who have stepped up and said they want to help out however they can. I had to take the first step, but GOD SHOWED UP and continues to show up in amazing ways. 
God has been at work and I'm excited to tell you that  ANCHORED IN HOPE LLC. has been established! 

The mission of Anchored in Hope is to empower Haitian artisans to provide for their families with dignity. Our desire is to inspire hope for a better tomorrow through our reliance on the anchor that we have in Jesus Christ.

This world is a raging sea and every believer is like a ship on this journey through life. As long as Jesus is our captain we have hope as our anchor. This anchor while out of sight at the bottom of the sea is what keeps us steady through all of life's storms and trials. We have this Anchor and Hope no matter what life brings our way. 

Our needs: 
-Business Cards
-Postcards to be attached to each item sold
-Stores that are willing to sell our items
-Financial donations
-Prayer for wisdom, direction and connections to be made.

If you are able to help us out with any of these needs or want to become more involved with Anchored in Hope please email us at

                                         Visit us at

I recently came across this song and the words are beyond fitting for what we desire with "Anchored in Hope"
 Christ is our Hope. He is our Everything. He is our Anchor in the storm.

"Anchored" by Hillsong 

I have this hope
As an anchor for my soul
Through every storm
I will hold to You

With endless love
All my fear is swept away
In everything
I will trust in You

There is hope in the promise of the cross
You gave everything to save the world You love
And this hope is an anchor for my soul
Our God will stand

Unchanging One
You who was and is to come
Your promise sure
You will not let go

Your Name is higher
Your Name is greater
All my hope is in You

Your word unfailing
Your promise unshaken
All my hope is in You

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Minnesota Life

A long overdue blog update....Minnesota life has been BUSY!! (and cold!!) ;) I can honestly say that I have gone through a roller coaster of emotions since I've been here. I've loved it but I've also missed dearly the people I love so dearly in Haiti. I have had the opportunity to have some quality time with my loved ones and spent many hours networking and connecting with others who God has put in my path. 
Enjoy a snap shot blog of life in MN :) 

A field trip to Como Zoo with the girls!! : ) Despite the cold it was a great day!! 
Hanging out with this little stinker! 
Going through old drawers and having to give a
lesson on what this actually was!! :)
Whoop there it is! 

Seeing my Murphy!!! 

Of course I still feel the need to show off my basketball skills...I'm not sure how many I have left anymore! ;) 
Birthday dinner for dad! 

Skyping with this handsome little fellow was always a day brightener!!!

Spending time watching another handsome fellow playing his guitar at church, for his grandma's birthday at a nursing home, and laying some tracks down in the studio!! You can check out one of his songs he wrote while in Haiti that he is working on recording or make a donation to make this dream a reality here!

Enjoyed a few meals entailing foods such as this! :) 

Enjoyed a fun day at the MOA with this cool dude for the end of the school year!


Putting contest at Golf Gaxay...I was so
close to winning it all!! :) 

Coffee dates and hanging out with this guy is always a good time and puts smile on my face!!! 

Taking the time to help others in need by doing some
yard for them!
Giving back makes for a happy heart!!


Somebody celebrated their 17th birthday!!! 


Impromptu lunch date at Potbelly!!
The perks of running errands with your favorite aunt!! ;) 

Spending weekends doing art shows to try to sell all this Hand Made Haitian metal art to support my mission work and employ Haitians!

Spending time at the neighbors pool enjoying warm weather and fun time with all the kiddos! 

Barbecues and nice summer nights! 
Watching this little rock star rule the soccer field! 

Special Olympics softball champ! 


Movie star in the making! Enjoyed watching this handsome fellow steal the show in his school play! :) 

Two of my most favorite ladies in the whole world! So Blessed to have them in my life! 

The three amigos back together is good! 

Time with Grandpa! 

More amazing ladies in my life that I am so thankful for!! 

Feed My Starving Children!! :) 

2nd place at the track meet!! 

Love my murphy dog!! 

Birthday Breakfast for this 12 year old stud!! 

Even made it for lunch and to watch a soccer game for another handsome 12 year old!! 
Feeling the love in MN!

It has been so wonderful to have time in MN with family and friends! I am truly blessed beyond measure for all the love and support!
 It's about time to head back to my other home....Haiti and continue to love, serve and further HIS kingdom!