Sunday, May 31, 2015

Answered Prayers...

I think often times it's easier to shout out for prayer request--which is great but what is even better is being able to shout out ANSWERED PRAYERS!! 

#1. A while back I put out a request on Facebook looking for someone who might be interested in coming to tutor for Lovinsky over the summer. I thought it would be sort of a long shot to find a teacher who would want to do that, but GOD provided!! A girl who I know from high school was super excited about it! She had more questions than I had answers for but God filled in all the blanks! We are so excited to have Courtney here for 3 weeks! She has so much great experience working with kids and are so blessed to have come and support us on her summer break! She is still working on raising the funds to be able to come and it would be such a blessing to us if you were able to help her out so that she can come help us! And give me some much needed help! Please check out her GoFUND me page! 

#2. When I took the teaching position at QCS I was teaching 2nd! I absolutely loved my class and this new opportunity and experience but also learned that I am not quite as organized as a classroom teacher should be! ;) Lets just say if I didn't have another woman in my class helping me to grade papers and make copies I would have struggled greatly!! :) I'll be the first to admit that my organization skills are not up to par. So in planning for next year I shared my desire in wanting to teach PE. There were many months that passed by after presenting my request, but just last week I got some great news and I will be teaching physical education next year!! God answered that prayer in a big way!! :) 

God knows what we need, when we need it  and if we follow in His steps He will always provide in His perfect time! Today were giving thanks for God's goodness--in the little and big things! 

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every

situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, 

present your requests to God. 

Philippians 4:6

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Anxiety, Anger, Fear...

These are the feelings that have been overcoming me lately....Anxiety, Anger, Fear. I felt like today I could finally put words to these feelings that I've been having lately. And I felt like everything could be summed up into these 3 ugly words.

Anxious about these next two weeks and the transitions that are going to be happening. Feeling that a huge piece of Lovinsky and my life is leaving and what are we going to do! So many great friends leaving who have are so dear to us. 

Anxious about what the summer is going to look like and how we are going to too keep ourselves sane! 

Angry that God would take such great people out of my life. 

Angry about Lovinsky's paperwork and that they are not willing to change the age on his birth certificate to a more appropriate age. 

Fearful about the future of Lovinsky and I what it will all look like. Will they allow me to adopt him? Will he ever be able to go to the states and see my family? 

Fearful about doing life alone. Although Lovinsky believes that one night God is just going to plop a boyfriend in my bed for me! :| Or after having a discussion about how God can do anything and He gave Sarah a baby when she was really old he tells me...Mom, I think God is going to give you a boyfriend on Wed and you are going to go to MN and get married and have a baby and I will stay here with Kamala and then you will come back with the baby! Oh the things children come up with! :) 

But today I was reminded that God has a perfect plan. All things work together for the good of those who love Him. Romans 8:28. 

At church this morning we sang "No Longer Slaves" and it hit me hard. As the tears strolled down my face and I listened to the words I felt a huge burden lifted off of me as I laid it all down before the Lord. I am no longer a slave to fear. I AM A CHILD OF GOD!! Those words rang through me. 

From my mothers womb You have chosen me. I am surrounded by the arms of the Father. You split the sea so I could walk right through it. You drown my fears in perfect love. I AM A CHILD OF GOD. Every part of this song just hit me to my core. 

Yes the future is uncertain, I'm frustrated and anxious about my future holds, I'm angry about things happening, BUT I AM A CHILD OF GOD and I can lay it all down at His feet and trust that He will guide me. So I am no longer a slave to fear! I AM A CHILD OF GOD AND YOU ARE TOO! 


Another one of the songs that got me...

Friday, May 22, 2015


Last weekend was a successful BIRTHDAY SURPRISE for my FAVORITE BUDDY NATHAN!!!

A while back I posted about how I was so sad that I wouldn't be able to be there for his 18th birthday party. It was these times that make it so hard to be living in Haiti.

But GOD had a different plan!! After I had made the commitment that if I could find a cheap flight home and could get Friday off of work (we just happened to have that Thursday and Monday off) that I would go no matter what. Money wasn't an option for an event like this. God provide-- and a very generous guy told me he would pay for my ticket home! Such a blessing to receive such a generous gift and one that meant so much to me! Thank you Cory!

So I flew in Thursday night and Friday night was able to surprise Nathan and his family!! On the way to the party I asked my niece what she thought Nathan would do when he saw me. She said I don't know, I bet he will be really happy. I told her I bet he is going to look at me and run the other way!! Sure enough that is exactly what he did!! :)

It was such a great night!! I was so happy that I could be apart of his special night! Not only a special night for him but also for his parents who were celebrating their wedding anniversary. Two people who I admire and love dearly!

Not only I was able to be there for the party but was also able to be there to see family and friends! It was such a busy yet fulfilling weekend!!

Three pretty AMAZING kids!! 

I am so thankful for the wonderful people God has brought into our lives and the wonderful people who helped out with my little man while I was away! It truly takes a village and I am truly blessed by the village that God has surrounded me with in here in Haiti!

Thursday, May 7, 2015

"It's Complicated"

That's one of those facebook relationship status right?? :) Thankfully I'm not referring to that--one has to be in a relationship for it to be complicated! :)

On a serious note...."It's complicated" or "It's a complicated case" is something I've heard quite a few times in regards to little mans paperwork and situation. It's something I know and realize, but it still doesn't make things any easier.

I knew from day one that this sweet little boys case of mine was "complicated." But I also knew with all my heart that God had placed this little man in my life and I was going to fight for him no matter what.

So we started the fight over 2 years ago. Thankfully we have gained a couple inches over those years and we are finally together! Something I have to keep this in mind when everything else isn't adding up.

I mentioned several weeks ago about having to have a letter written by a lawyer and fighting for an appropriate age on his birth certificate--even doing the bone density test and talking with dentists. So we submitted a letter from a lawyer from the Mayors office in Delmas. We went back the following week only to be told nothing was done and that they would work directly with the lawyer now. We called the lawyer several times and he said he still hadn't heard anything.

In the meantime of all of this and trying to be patient (for some reason God still thinks I need to work on this ;) ), God opened up an important door. There is a student at QCS who's mom is a lawyer at IBESR and I was able to connect with her through email asking her to look into the letter. Although we still hadn't heard back from her about it, I knew it was a great connection and the way God brought it about is pretty great. It's the little things. :)

We finally decided to ventured back down to IBESR and check on things. On our way we called this woman to see if she would be able to help us out. Another God thing...she only works at the office 2 days a week and it just happened to be that yesterday was one of the days!!

So we met and through this conversation in French, basically the only word I could make out was "complicated." It can be frustrating, so frustrating to continue to hear these words, but I am also hopeful that we can get this figured out and so thankful for the people God has brought us on this journey to continue to fight for us. We could not be more blessed than to have the help of this woman.

Would you please pray for this paperwork to be completed soon and that we can get a more accurate age for him on his birth certificate. I am longing for the day that I have his birth certificate in hand and we can move onto the next hurdle! :)

I'm fighting for you little man! One day God is going to make it all work out in His perfect plan and His perfect timing! So glad you are on my team! And even when you are old and grown up and have a girlfriend (when you are 19) I am still going to be your mom and hug you and kiss you! (Part of our conversation last night!) :)

We will continue on this journey..... and have fun while we do it!! :)