Wednesday, August 19, 2015

2nd Grade!!

Bring on 2nd grade!! We are in full swing now of the 2015-2016 school year! We started the school year a few days later than expected due to the elections and the unknown of whether it would be safe or not for students to travel. So we had started on a Thursday and eased into the school year! 

This little man was so bummed though when school got postponed!! 
He was so excited to go back!!

When the day finally came!! He was up and ready to go with a big ol smile on his face!! 
 I on the other hand was still half asleep! I was enjoying summer and being able to stay up later and sleep in!! ;) 

 Loving his new backpack he got for his birthday from Kamala!! 
 All ready to go!!

Bring on 2nd grade!! 

This school year is also bringing new change for me!! I am excited that this year I am teaching Physical Education!! Back in my old groove and I am loving it!! I have PreK-3rd grade and then I also have middle school and high school girls! 

God has been taking good care of us in so many ways and I am so thankful for my new position and for my little man being able to go to Quisqueya Christian School! 

Praying 2015-2016 is a huge success!! 

Monday, August 10, 2015

Baby Steps!!!

We are taking baby steps but we are moving forward!! 

A while back--several months ago actually--we started working on getting his birth certificate and had to get a letter from IBESR (which is like social services) we then had to take it to the mayor of Delmas to get it signed. Well we found out that apparently we didn't have a mayor at the time because he was running for some other office this election season...(election season in Haiti is a whole other issue)

So we waited....
and waited....
and finally we had a new mayor! So of course we went right away to see if the letter was signed.

Well not exactly...apparently the new mayor decided that the lawyer who was working on the case should be the one to sign it because he knew all the details...ok great. 

but it wasn't that easy....because the lawyer was now on vacation and wouldn't be back for a couple weeks...ugh it felt like it was a never ending process! The only thing we could do was to walk out of that office (which we had been in and out of many times!!!) and laugh and trust that in His perfect timing we would get the letter.

FINALLY...last week we were able to walk out of that office with the letter in hand!! It was a such a tiny baby step, but it was a step and we are rejoicing in that!!!

We were able to drop this letter off last week at another office to get a birth certificate made and are patiently waiting for it to be completed so we can move onto the passport!! 

Little by little we will get this done...with LOTS of patience!! :) 

Thank you all so much for your continued prayers we couldn't do any of this without you!! 

Sunday, August 2, 2015

One Great Birthday!!

Well my sweet little mans birthday has come and gone!! I would say he had one fantastic day and felt pretty special! 

We still continue to get gifts and cards in the mail--THANK YOU TO ALL OF YOU WHO SENT HIM THINGS AND HAVE MADE HIM FEEL SO LOVED!! 

He even helped make his own birthday cupcakes and loved it!!!

Birthday morning.. he was surprised with decorations and presents and of course wanted to open them all right away!
He got to chose 1!! ;) 

Then it was off to horse camp...where he had to start off his day with scooping poop! ;) He thought he could get out of it because it was his birthday but nope! :) 

He is getting pretty good at taking care of these horses!! 

Love seeing him up there on the horses!
He's always so happy and proud! 

Time to give the horse a bath!!

Such a trooper even helped cut up the fruit and veggies for his party!!
We were on crunch time trying to get everything ready before the kids started to come!

This woman is AMAZING!! She is like a mom to him and was like a mom to me that day! I seriously could not have made it through the day without her! She even stayed after and helped me clean! She is a blessing and made me feel so loved and like my own momma was there helping! 

Slowly throughout the day he got to open a few presents here and there....such a ham right!! 

We went with a Spiderman theme...Thanks to Karla who sent down decorations and masks!! And Jessica for bringing us more birthday goodies!! :) 

Making their "Super Hero Capes" 


What a good looking gang!!
So thankful for Risa and Spencer who were able to stay and help out!!
Who knew birthday parties were so much work! ;) 

Scavenger hunt with their Super Hero Capes!! :) 

Putting on a skit....of course he would steal the show!! :) 


Another amazing woman in his life!
She is such a blessing to us and takes such good care of us!! 

My lifesaver of the day!!
Could not have done it without this wonderful woman!!

So thankful for this mother and son who are so good to my little man! 

Needless to say it was one
birthday party!!! 
Thank you so much to everyone who made it so great!! 
We are so blessed by your cards and gifts!!